Clermont Health Services & Clinics

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for women aged 17 - 31
for women aged 17 - 31

The Department of Health has officially launched a free contraception service that is open to all general practice. Clermont Health is delighted to participate. Equitable, patient-centred, evidence-based and accessible aligns with best practice and our mission. The service is free irrespective of your background and should be a seamless process in the consultation and pharmacy. Please see below for some details.

Am I eligible?

As long as you have a PPS number and are over 17 years old and under 31, you are eligible.

What contraceptives are covered?

All of the usual types of contraception are covered:

  • The combined or mini-pill
  • Patches, rings, depot injections
  • Intra-uterine devices (except the copper coil)
  • Sub-dermal implants

Does the consultation differ?

The consultation is exactly the same as before. You still need a checkup every 6 months for pills and patches. You still need to come in for a consultation and consent form ahead of implants or intra-uterine devices. The only difference you should notice is the extra money in your pocket. The scheme is designed to take away barriers to effective family planning, giving you more of a say in your overall health and well-being.

Our new menopause appointments are allowing you a longer time, 30-minute consult, to discuss the symptoms, issues, concerns and questions about perimenopause, menopause and post-menopausal health.  

We manage medications for symptom control, mitigating the negative effects of loss of oestrogen and also managing contraception in the perimenopausal period. During this consultation, we will discuss the risks and benefits of HRT and the different formulations and regimens available.

Drs Siobhan, Meave and Katherine are all members of the British Menopause Society maintaining an up to date and accurate understanding of the medical requirements of this complicated period in every woman’s life. Dr Meave is a trained LARC tutor (Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive) and all are passionate about helping women navigate the menopause. 

The consultation will progress based on your own personal and family history and on your individual needs at this time. Occasionally blood tests are required, less frequently other investigations or examinations are also needed to ensure that you are getting the most appropriate care.

Assigned Clinic Practitioners

Dr Katherine Whately

General Practitioner

Dr Meave Baxter

General Practitioner

Dr Siobhan Garavaglia

General Practitioner

Joint Injections are used in the treatment of muscle and joint inflammatory reactions in areas of the body such as the finger, toe, wrist, ankle, shoulder, hip, knee and tendons.

A patient having a problem with arthritis, gout, tendonitis, rotator cuff issues or musculoskeletal issues may also benefit from this procedure.

What Happens?

 Joint injections or aspirations (taking fluid out of a joint) are performed with a cold spray or other local anaesthesia.

Anti-inflammatory agents may be injected that slow down the accumulation of cells responsible for producing inflammation and pain within the joint space.

The Benefits:

Benefit is experienced within a few days, if successful and can last for months.

The medicine should help decrease any inflammation, swelling, tenderness, or heat the joint is holding. Generally, the patient will respond after one injection, however it may be necessary to administer a further injection, if suitable.

Side-effects are few, but can occur.  These may include tenderness, warmth, or swelling, around the injection site.  

Assigned Clinic Practitioners

Dr Siobhan Garavaglia

General Practitioner

Dr Sean Owens

GP| Pharmacist

Cryotherapy is an effective treatment method that uses extremely cold temperatures to destroy warts, corns and other unwanted skin lesions. Freezing is an inexpensive, safe and reliable way of getting rid of several different types of surface skin lesions.

What is Involved in Cryotherapy Treatments?

Cryotherapy freezes and destroys abnormal cells allowing normal skin cells to grow back in their place.

Liquid Nitrogen or a pressurized directed aerosol spray is applied by the doctor to the skin lesion for a few seconds, depending on the size of the lesion. The cycle is usually repeated once or twice thereafter. Cryotherapy treatments may sting and be painful at the time of treatment but this will diminish. In some cases, repeated treatments may be required if a lesion is particularly resistant to treatment. On some occasions, there can be moderate blistering of the area where the procedure has been carried out. Many people choose cryotherapy treatment as it is less invasive than scalpel surgery and it causes less pain and scarring.

All of this will be explained prior to the procedure and your doctor will ask you to sign a brief consent form to cover the treatment.

What lesions are suitable for cryotherapy?

  • Viral warts in older children and adults
  • Seborrhoeic keratoses
  • Actinic keratoses
  • Molluscum contagiosum in adults
  • Skin tags

Assigned Clinic Practitioners

Dr Eoin Mc Dermott

General Practitioner

Dr Katherine Whately

General Practitioner

Dr Meave Baxter

General Practitioner

Dr Siobhan Garavaglia

General Practitioner

Dr Sean Owens

GP| Pharmacist

Clermont Health are proud to offer a travel vaccination service in conjunction with the Tropical Medical Bureau (TMB). TMB is the leading travel medicine clinic group in Ireland, specialising in providing the best information and medical care and Clermont Health are a long time associate.

Our Vaccination Clinics currently run on Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings weekly. We provide a Doctor Consultation tailored to your destinations of travel and vaccination requirements and our nurses provide agreed vaccinations on site and book follow up appointments as required. Appointments are normally booked between 2 and 4 weeks in advance of travel to allow for return appointments as needed.

If you wish to research what vaccinations you may require in advance of booking an appointment please visit

For vaccine and consultation prices, please see

For booking please complete the online form below and a member of our administration team will be in contact with you.

If more than 1 person is travelling they need to complete an online application for each person travelling
Step 1 of 3

If you are hoping to become pregnant there are a few things you can and should do to improve your general health and so help your pregnancy to progress smoothly. Most pregnancies are not planned, however, and still progress normally, resulting in a healthy mother and baby.

The combined medical services are provided by your family doctor (GP/Midwife) and a hospital obstetrician.

On your first pregnancy the GP/Midwife provides an initial examination, if possible before 12 weeks, and a further 5 examinations during the pregnancy, which are alternated with visits to the maternity unit/hospital.

The schedule of visits may be changed by your GP/Midwife and/or hospital obstetrician, depending on your individual situation. For subsequent pregnancies you will have an initial examination and a further 6 examinations.

If you have a significant illness, e.g. diabetes or hypertension, you may have up to 5 additional visits to the GP/Midwife.

Care for other illnesses which you may have at this time, but which are not related to your pregnancy, is not covered by the Scheme.

After the birth, the GP/Midwife will examine the baby at 2 weeks and both mother and baby at 6 weeks.

Assigned Clinic Practitioners

Medbh Burns

Practice Nurse

Sheila Carey

Practice Nurse

Having trained in the Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital, Dublin, Dr Eoin Mc Dermott offers a new specialist service in the treatment of ear wax developed by Ear, Nose and Throat surgeons. Caused by a number of factors, wax impaction happens when there is a build-up of excessive earwax in the ear. This can lead to deafness, pain, itch, tinnitus or infection if not removed. Microsuction is regarded as one of the safest methods of ear wax removal and is associated with high rates of patient satisfaction. The use of microscopes and a finely balanced medical suction device allows for direct visualisation of the ear canal and easy removal of the wax. This can reduce the risk of damage to the ear or infection that might be associated with older methods of wax removal. If you like, a wireless video otoscope may be used which allows you to see the wax for yourself.

Please note it is optimal to use wax-softening ear drops for a minimum of 5 days in advance of your appointment. Drops can be bought over the counter in your local pharmacy.

Assigned Clinic Practitioner

Dr Eoin Mc Dermott

General Practitioner

Occupational health

Occupational medicine is a general practice sub-speciality covering health and safety and employment law, public health, disability, and work-related disease that Clermont Health is proud to provide this service. Our practice already provides an occupational health service for a number of local businesses. These range from medicals for new employees, providing medical services for employees, work-related vaccinations, and more. Our practice manager would be pleased to inform you of what we can offer.

Assigned Clinic Practitioner

Dr Katherine Whately

General Practitioner

Cervical Screening

Clermont Health is registered with Cervical Check, which is the National Cervical Screening Programme. As such we provide free cervical screening to women aged between 25 and 65. Before attending your screening, you need to register online at

Assigned Clinic Practitioners

Emma Hughes

Practice Nurse

Medbh Burns

Practice Nurse

Sheila Carey

Practice Nurse

Childhood Vaccinations

Childhood immunisations are available free of charge as part of the National Childhood Immunisation Scheme. Please make an appointment with our nurse to arrange same. Further details can be found at:

The vaccination schedule is as follows;

At Birth BCG/Tuberculosis Vaccine is part of the schedule but has been out of supply for many years. It is given in the hospital.
2 Months
  • 6 in 1 Vaccine (Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough (Pertussis) HiB (Haemophilus influenzae B) Polio (Inactivated poliomyelitis) Hepatitis B)
  • PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)
  • MenB Vaccine (Meningococcal B Vaccine)
  • Rotavirus oral vaccine
At 4 Months

6 in 1


Rotavirus oral vaccine

At 6 Months 

6 in 1


MenC (Meningococcal C)

At 12 Months

MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella)


At 13 Months



Please ensure when booking vaccines that there are 2 calendar months between appts, if your child had their 1st vaccine on 17/1/23 their next on would be due on 17/03/23 and so forth. Please be sure to highlight the date of last vaccine to the receptionist to ensure you are booked appropriately.

please call 042 93 21424. To book 4, 6, 12 and 13-month vaccinations please book online by clicking HERE

Click on the images below for more information in PFD format

Assigned Clinic Practitioners

Emma Hughes

Practice Nurse

Medbh Burns

Practice Nurse

Sheila Carey

Practice Nurse

Intra-Uterine Devices

An Intra-Uterine Device (IUD), otherwise known as the “the coil”, is a small T-shaped plastic or copper device inserted into the uterus as a form of contraception and also to treat bleeding and cycle-related issues. As a contraceptive, they are highly effective and can last for up to 5 years depending on the type. It can be inserted at any time during the menstrual cycle, as long as you are not pregnant. Side effects can predictably include irregular periods for 1-3 cycles and some spotting or bleeding between periods. You will be fully informed of benefits, risks, and side effects upon making an appointment for a consultation. There is also a small risk of getting an infection after it has been fitted and also that it may be expelled.

There may be some discomfort in the fitting, but it is generally painless.

Benefits include;

  1. There is no need to take daily medication or to worry about missing a day here or there.
  2. It is one of the very most effective forms of contraception.
  3. In the long run, the IUD is highly cost-effective. Though the initial cost of the device and fitting is more, over the 3-5 year lifetime of the device it works out to be very reasonable.
  4. Fertility returns upon removal of the device.
  5. The device is safe for breastfeeding.

If you would like to find out more about having an IUD fitted please feel free to discuss this with one of our team.

Assigned Clinic Practitioner

Dr Meave Baxter

General Practitioner

Influenza/Pneumococcal Vaccinations

The Flu vaccine is available free of charge for people over 60 or who are in an at-risk group, pregnant women and healthcare workers.

Also, given the particular circumstances and the pressures on the healthcare system the nasal flu vaccine will be offered to children aged 2-17 years of age which is also free of charge. You can register your interest for same at Children who are outside of this age group and are in an at-risk group can also get the vaccine.

Our Flu vaccine clinics will be launching on 25th September 2024 and you can book here​. Further information on vaccines and eligibility can be found at and

The Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended to anyone aged 65 and over and persons under that age in at risk groups, you can request this at your flu vaccination appointment


With the health service under increasing pressure, it is noted that much of chronic disease can be prevented and also managed in the community upstream of the hospital bed. Chronic Disease Management (CDM) is a twice-yearly check-up offered to patients with the below medical conditions, which make up the majority of chronic diseases in primary and tertiary care:

  • Stroke / TIA
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Ischaemic Heart Disease
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Heart Failure

Those who are eligible will receive a text message inviting them to attend for blood pressure and weight checks, blood tests and occasionally an ECG and urine sample check.

These check-ups, including blood tests, are covered by GMS scheme.