Important links

For the most up to date public health advise in relation to covid 19 health and vaccinations please go to

For information about travel restrictions and covid recovery/vaccination certificates

For information regarding covid payments for illness

General Health and Wellbeing Advice regarding Covid

COVID -19 and our immune system

Whilst our immune system is specific to infections as well as our genes, gender and age, there are a number modifiable risk factors such as our sleep, our microbiome (gut bacteria), what and when we eat, how much we exercise, how stressed we are and how much time we spend outside.


Whilst the Irish diet is rarely deficient in protein, fat, or carbohydrates, it is frequently deficient in micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and fibre. Whilst it is possible to buy any number of supplements over the counter, it is difficult to stand over their quality and the evidence base for how effective they are in reality is hard to ascertain. The best place to find these micronutrients is in whole fruits and vegetables of a variety of colours and textures. Particularly vitamin C (colourful fruits and vegetables) and vitamin D (standing outside at lunch for 20 mins or a handful of cooked mushrooms), zinc (seeds, nuts, mushrooms), omega oils (milled flax seeds/linseeds or chia seeds).


There is very little controversy about the role of sleep and the immune system. The bad news is that modern life is consistently conspiring to limit sleep quality and quantity, The key to restful sleep is to keep a routine, limit caffeine intake from tea, coffee, or fizzy drinks, and avoid any screens in the bedroom. Please see attached a quick cheat sheet on how to sleep better.—Information-Sheets/Sleep-Information-Sheet—04—Sleep-Hygiene.pdf


Exercise is the goldilocks of immune activation. Too little leaves us susceptible to infections, whilst too much can run us down. The key isn’t a particular number, it is finding an exercise that is enjoyable, accessible, and practical to be a daily routine for you. Your heart rate should be elevated or sweat on your brow for 30 mins or so.

Stress Management

Modern life is full of stress, the key isn’t to avoid it but to manage it. A simple mindfulness minute in the morning or a breathing exercise over lunch or before bed may be enough to limit your stress response. See below for a very useful breathing technique. Try breathing in through your nose for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds and then exhaling slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds. Doing this simple breath 4 0r 5 times twice a day can be surprisingly useful.

All posts are subject to the latest advice from HSE public health:

Useful links:

for the lasted up to date information